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19 August 2014

Dental check-ups

A dental check-up functions much like your annual physical check-up but focused on the overall condition and health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. And just like an annual physical check-up, you should make dental check-ups a priority.

Why do I need a dental check-up?

A dental check-up is the best way to determine the overall health and condition of your teeth, mouth, gums, and whether you have gum disease or other problems with your teeth. The earlier a problem is detected, the earlier you can get treatment for it. Leaving your dental problems untreated only make them worse and difficult to treat in the future.

Prevention is always better than cure, and a dental check-up also serves as a preventive measure from potential problems.

What happens during a dental check-up?

During a dental check-up, your dentist should do the following:

  • Examine your teeth, gums, and mouth
  • Discuss with you any problem or issue the dentist discovers upon examining your teeth, gums, and mouth
  • Discuss with you solutions or treatments available to rectify your dental problem, if any
  • Ask you about your general health, including any problems you have had with your teeth, gums, or mouth after your last check-up
  • Ask about your dental and oral hygiene practices
  • Give you any advice you might need concerning teeth-cleaning habits and proper care, etc.
  • Recommend a date for your next visit

Note that when your dentist suggests a date, it’s up to you to confirm if you can make it. If you can’t make it at that specific date, suggest a date not much later when you can be available. Just don’t put it off for a long time.

How often should I have a dental check-up?

It is your dentist who would determine the frequency and urgency of your check-ups, and also the date of your next check-up. The frequency of dental check-ups varies from one person to another. It could be once every three months, or once every two years. Generally, it depends on the overall health of your teeth, gums, and mouth, plus your risk of dental problems and gum disease. The lower the risk, the longer the time in between check-ups. The higher the risk, the shorter the time in between check-ups. Most people visit their dentist once to twice a year.

What about dental treatments?

Scheduling an appointment for a routine dental check-up is separate from scheduling an appointment for dental treatments. Whenever you call the dental clinic to set up an appointment, indicate whether it’s for a routine check-up or a standing treatment.

After the dentist has examined your teeth during a check-up, they may recommend you dental treatments depending on the problem, if any. Dental treatments offered vary from non-emergency procedures such as scale and polish, also known as professional teeth cleaning, to emergency dental procedures like dental implants, root canal treatment and tooth removal in more serious cases. Contact The Smile Studios for more information on available dental treatments.

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