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10 September 2016

What does a dentist do in dental check-up?

A dental check-up is an important part of maintaining overall good health and personal hygiene. It allows your dentist to see if you have any dental problems and check your dental and oral health. This is important so that if you do have problems, the early they’re detected, the better, to prevent further complications and save you from more expensive, difficult treatments in the future.

Generally, it’s recommended to visit your dentist once every six months. The frequency and urgency to visit your dentist depends on the state of your oral and dental health. Patients who have problems with their teeth, gums, or mouth may need to visit their dentist as often as once every three months, while those who have perfectly healthy teeth and gums may only need to visit their dentist once a year. The rule of thumb is, the lower your risk for dental problems, the less frequently you need to see your dentist. If you experience any problem with your teeth in between check-ups, do not hesitate to contact your dentist right away.

Not all dentists work the same way, but in most cases, a dental hygienist works closely with the dentist during dental check-ups. At a dental check-up, the dentist usually does the following:

  • a full examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth.
  • ask about your general health and whether you’ve had any problems with your teeth, gums, or mouth since your last visit.
  • perform a dental prophylaxis or professional teeth cleaning and polishing, if needed.
  • provide information, advice, and tips on diet, smoking, drinking, teeth-cleaning habits, oral hygiene, and factors relating to your oral and dental health.
  • explain problems with your teeth and recommend the right treatment you need, if any.
  • discuss the next date of your visit.

To get the most out of your dental check-up, it’s important to communicate any concerns or questions you have with your dentist. Here are other helpful things you can do to facilitate a better dental check-up:

  • Let your dentist know of any changes you’ve noticed or felt with your teeth, gums, or mouth. Pain, sensitivity, or suspicious lumps need to be relayed to your dentist right away to determine what it is, what the cause is, and whether it poses any risk to your oral and dental health.
  • Update your dentist on any new health changes or problems you’ve experienced since your last visit. The same goes with any medication or supplement you’re currently taking. Your dentist needs to know your current state of health and kinds of medication you’re taking to avoid counter reactions and complications should you require dental treatment and medication.
  • Let your dentist know right away if you are suffering from dental anxiety or phobia. This would help the dentist be more conscious in working with you better by making you feel comfortable during the check-up. Fearing the dentist and dental check-ups or treatments in general, is experienced by a lot of people.
  • If you have questions or there’s something you don’t understand, ask your dentist for clarification.
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