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28 April 2014

Sinus Infections and Teeth Pains

Sinus infection is quite common and can be experienced by children and adults alike. Sinuses are spaces filled with air between the facial bones. These spaces can get irritated or infected when there are fluids present inside these spaces. This is often brought in by colds, hay fever, allergic reactions, and other health issues that can introduce bacteria to the sinuses. When this happens and treatment is not sought, this can lead to long term or chronic sinus problems. A simple sinusitis can become a major infection and can complicate to more serious conditions such as meningitis as bacteria from the sinuses move up and attack the membrane surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.

Aching tooth and sinus infection?

When mucus is building up in the sinuses and proper medication is skipped, facial pressure can build up and can push against the nerves in the upper teeth. This can cause tooth ache that many people mistake as a dental problem. What makes sinusitis-induced tooth ache different is that it is bilateral which simply means that the pain can be felt on both sides of the face. Tooth ache due to sinusitis does not cause severe pain when the affected tooth/teeth are pressed down and pressure is applied. This is not the case with tooth ache caused by cavity and other dental problems. What can be done? When the sinusitis is treated the tooth ache is also addressed.

Symptoms of sinus infection

The symptoms of sinus infection include thick yellowish mucus, facial pressure and pain around the eyes, and fever and headache especially if the infection is getting worst. Teeth pains are also common, temporary deafness (as the infection progresses), and loss of sense of taste and smell. Sinusitis can last up to a week and goes away on its own after that time period. However there are cases especially when triggers of the sinusitis are not addressed that the infection can last longer. In these cases treatment must be sought to prevent complications.


Treatment of sinusitis can include steam inhalation to relieve the clogging of the sinuses. Decongestants and even Paracetamol can help in alleviating the discomfort caused by clogged sinuses. Effective treatment of sinusitis however can often mean prescription of the right antibiotics. Since the cause of sinusitis is bacteria, antibiotics are the most viable treatment option. Nasal sprays are not recommended for sinus infections in fact it can make it worst. Not all antibiotics can work well with sinusitis so consult your doctor first. It is also important to understand that colds can be precursors to sinusitis. This is the reason why a common cold should not be taken lightly especially if you have chronic sinus problems.

For effective treatment to be possible, proper diagnosis must be done first. People who are suspected to have sinus infection often have to undergo physical exam with a thorough evaluation of their medical history. Sometimes X-rays and CT scans are also needed especially when it does not respond to initial treatments.

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